
2022-08-31 12:20:31 字數 370 閱讀 5224


this student has worked very hard during the course of practice in our company.and observed the policies the company had made,showed responsibilities to the work,also get along with companions.he/she is a good student with an unassuming personality,steady,diligent and conscientious.

we are all affirmative to what he has done.

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please see the information for you below 英文我也不是很懂,都是中學讀書的時候學習過。please check the infomation you need below.the information you need as below 英文翻譯 時間安排如...


請英語高手給我翻譯一下這篇文章!我很急!萬分感謝了!不要機器翻譯啊!安然公司 財務報告的失敗?戲劇性的崩潰安然 證明了一系列的披露的會計各自職權範圍,使很多人產生問題的正確性當前會計和財務報告標準。財務報表在安然的報道,包括相關附註披露的跡象,在那裡安然的會計和經濟方面的問題呢?應該是一個機敏的投資...


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