
2021-03-04 00:24:54 字數 1192 閱讀 6873


i used to think that i could not go wrong

and life was nothing but that an awful song

but now i know the meaning of true love

i am leaning on the everlasting arms

if i can see it

then i can do it

i believe i can fly

i believe i can touch the sky

i think about it every night and day

spread my wings and fly away

i believe i can soar

i see me running through that open door

see i was on the verge of breaking down

sometimes inside us, it can seem so long

there are miracles in life i must achieve

but first i know it starts inside of me

if i just believe it

there is nothing to it

i believe i can fly

i believe i can touch the sky

i think about it every night and day

spread my wings and fly away

i believe i can soar

i see me running through that open door

i believe i can fly

if i just spread my wings

i can fly

i can fly

i can fly~


oh~ if i just spread my wings

i can fly

i can fly


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