
2021-05-11 05:17:16 字數 993 閱讀 7250


please check it

ex: x is enjoyable

ix: x is immoral

fx: x is fattening

1 (x)ex → (ix ∨ fx)

[ ∴ (~(зx)ix) → ((x)(~fx → ~ex))]2 asm ~ [(~(зx)ix) → ((x)(~fx → ~ex))]

3 ~(зx)ix (from 2)

4 ~ ((x)(~fx → ~ex)) (from 2)5 ~ix (from 3)

6 (зx)~((~fx → ~ex)) (from 4)7 ~(~fa → ~ ea) ( du from 6)8 ~fa (from 7)

9 ea (from 7)

10 ea → ia ∨ fa (from 1)11 ia ∨ fa ( from 7 and 10)12 ia (from 8 and 11)13~ia (from 5)

14∴ (~(зx)ix) → ((x)(~fx → ~ex))] (from 2; contradicts 12 and 13)


combining "anything enjoyable is either immoral or fattening" and

"nothing is immoral", we get

"anything enjoyable is fattening".

so "everything that isn't fattening isn't enjoyable" is a reasonable consequence.

this deduction is from logical rule: p implies q <--> not q implies not p.




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