
2022-08-01 04:30:28 字數 719 閱讀 9841


this is ken,is that jenny?

yes,what's up?

how are you?

fine,and you?

very good.what's the weather like in your place?

really bad.hot and wet.what about you?

just good,it's sunny.

what are you doing?

i am going to the library.oh.


a: hi, this is ken, is it jenny?

b: yes, it is. come in, please.

a: how are things going with you?

b: good. how about you?

a: good. what's the weather like there?

b: very bad, hot and humid. what's it like in your place?

a: nice, it's sunny.

b: what are you doing?

a: i'm going to the library.

b: oh.

關於天氣的英語口語對話該怎麼寫,關於天氣的英語對話 不要和百度上那些一樣的

a what s the weather is like in america?b it s cold in the winter and hot in the summer.a wasn t the weather is nice out in america?b yes,sometimes,bu...


你好,英語可翻譯為 how s yourlife there?滿意速速採納,謝謝合作!您好!可以說 how was your vacation?也可以說 what about your vacation 望您採納,謝謝您的支援!英語翻譯 你覺得你的假期過得怎麼樣?英語翻譯 你的假期過得怎麼樣?假期過...


微風 詞典 抄 breeze gentle breeze breath breathing breezee 例句 我能看見黎明的微風在波光粼粼的水面上吹出道道漣漪。i could see the dawn breeze rippling the shining water.天氣非常晴朗並伴有一絲微風...