
2022-06-16 18:30:25 字數 570 閱讀 2844


3.b 這裡附近沒有銀行。

4.b 這裡附近有圖書館嗎?沒有。

5.b 桌子上有一支筆、兩本書。


1 .how can i help you? 我怎樣才能幫你呢?

2 .it is next to the supermarket. 它就在超市旁邊。

3 .is there a park near here? 這裡附近有公園嗎?

4 .where is the pay phone? 投幣公用**在**?

5 .the bank is in front of the post office. 銀行就在郵局前面。


1 how can i help you?

2 it is next to the supermarket.

3 is there a park near here?

4 where is the pay phone?

5 the bank is in front of the post office.


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