
2022-04-15 01:05:35 字數 581 閱讀 4367


could you take a photo for us?

would you please jion us in the photo?

do you mind being taken a photo together with us?


could you take a photo for us, please?

would you please jion us in the photo?

you don't mind being taken a photo with us together, do you?


1-could you please take a photo for us?

2-would you please join us in the photo?

(are you willing to take a photo with us?)

3-do you mind taking a photo with us all?

英語翻譯 生活因簡單而舒適

life is comfortable because of life can be made comfortable thanks to its simplicity.enjoyment of easy life 不要直翻,會更有英文韻味 makes a life easy.life is eas...


通過實踐的來的知識比書本知識對我們的人生影響更大 in our life,influence of acknowledge from practice on us outweighs that from books.the knowledge acquired through practices i...


1.事情有待進一步解決.2.沒有做過調查的研究的人沒有資格發言.3.留的青山在,不怕沒柴燒內.4.三個臭皮匠,頂個諸容 葛亮.5.諺語有云 旁觀者清.6.虛心使人進步,驕傲使人落後 7.避免在寒冷,高溫,灰塵堆積以及潮溼的地方使用電腦.原文輸入似乎有誤,此句為猜測的含義 8.眾所周知,火藥是中國古代...