幫忙翻譯英語作文 漢譯英急求,幫忙翻譯一篇英語作文 漢譯英!!!急求!!!

2021-12-22 05:25:11 字數 566 閱讀 3904


i liked skating very much, but later, because of a horrible experience i had, i stopped it. thatt was a winter, and ice had covered the lake. on my way home, i coudn't help myself and started skating on the ice face.

suddenly, i heard a sound of cracking, then i found the ice war breaking. i am so frightned and didn't dare to make any move. what's worse, nobody could help me.

the same minute i reached the bank, the ice broke. what a horribe thing it was!


my like...........


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求漢譯英的翻譯 150,求漢譯英翻譯

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