
2021-12-19 06:35:19 字數 774 閱讀 6204


1.are very pleased with ; as a result

2.a crash on ; they saw3.enjoys singing during the classes

4.write down

5.what makes him different with other students?

6.we will never give up the hope.


1.were satisfied with at last2.been interested in watching3.like to sing

4.write dowm

5.what makes him different with other students?

6.we'll never give up hope.


1. are very satisfied with, in the end

2. are fascinated by , watching3. like to sing during their break4. record/write down

5. what (differentiates him/makes him stand out) from other students?

6. we will never give up hope


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沒有人有麻煩去指出女性比男性引起的交通事故要更少。1後面的句子不缺少成分,所以用that 在一半的司機是女性的美國,男性發生事故的機率使女性的五到六倍。2後面的句子是一個非限定性定語從句,先行詞是america,是地點,所以用where。3後面是一個there be句型,所以選there 4 as....


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