
2021-06-14 09:12:34 字數 1298 閱讀 5893


come on you reds

busby babes they always made me cry

thinkin\' \'bout the teams of years gone by

charlton, edwards, law and georgie best

we\'re united,- you can keep the rest.

schmeichel, parker, pallister,

irwin, bruce, sharpe and ince,

hughes, mcclair, keane and cantona,

robson, kanchelskis and giggs........


come on you reds

come on you reds

just keep your bottle and use your heads

for ninety minutes we\'ll let them know

it\'s man united - here we go!

come on you reds

come on you reds

just keep your bottle and use your heads

for ninety minutes we\'ll let them know

it\'s man united - here we go!

glory, glory man united,

glory, glory man united........

we\'ll maintain the status quo

man united - here we go!!!

so old trafford let us here you loud

cheer us on and we will do you proud,

50,000 voices sing our song

keep us at the top where we belong

so here\'s to alex ferguson

he\'ll take us all the way,

we\'re on the road to glory now

winning at home and away

repeat chorus

come on you reds

come on you reds

幫忙翻譯一下曼聯隊歌Sing Up For The Champions

暈s,ls翻譯的什麼啊?明顯是用google翻譯的 為冠軍而歌唱 只有一支曼聯,只有一支曼聯,只有一支曼聯,只有一支曼聯。旁白 曼聯再一次獲得了冠軍。冠軍,冠軍。oh,wey,oh,wey 冠軍,冠軍。oh,wey,oh,wey 在merseyside我們再一次贏得了英超冠軍,去年在merseysi...


守門員 舒梅切爾 丹麥 曼聯 舒梅切爾是我所見過的最完美的門將。他高大的身材 冷靜的封堵 敏捷的反應和舒展的撲救,都足以摧垮任何一位前鋒的自信,為己隊牢靠地守住最後一道防線。他的撲點球技術堪稱一流,一代天驕範巴斯騰 博格坎普都曾在他的面前垂首嘆息。他的另一大絕活,在於能用迅速準確的手拋球,為球隊吹響...


曼聯在1973年 新賽季 1998年使用的隊徽。主體圖案是一個手握鋼叉的魔鬼形象,這也和曼聯的 紅魔 綽號有關。1960年代早期,一支名叫salford rugby的橄欖球隊到法國參加比賽,由於他們的輝煌戰績,法國球迷送給他們 紅魔 的稱號。而曼聯和salford rugby正好都穿紅色球衣,於是曼...