
2021-04-15 18:14:22 字數 602 閱讀 7292


there's a letter for you.

it's a book for children.

we got a new table for the dining room.

this is the place for me (= i like it very much).

what can i do for you (= how can i help you)?

can you translate this letter for me?

i took her classes for her while she was sick.

soldiers fighting for their country.

they are anxious for her safety.

fortunately for us, the weather changed.忘採納


he wants to care for you


誰幫我用x hu n w n音造句子,要有意味。基調是悲是喜都可以。字要按順序

徐徐 x 涼風不只在秋天吹,我在四季都感受得到什麼是 悲寂寥 但是又能怎麼樣呢?心情不能隨著四季的形態變換 hu n 而變化,於是就這樣一直低沉著,低沉著,低沉得快要把這個世界窒息.但我又分明知道,窒息的世界只是我的世界,不是別的什麼人的。我在這個即將窒息的世界心裡念著一切,一切卻躲著我,我什麼都猜...


let me tell you let us go to school let us go tothe park 幫我用這三個句式各造三個句子謝謝啦 1.after face cleansing,put a facial mask on face for 15 20 minutes.潔膚後,取 貼一...


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