
2021-03-04 02:43:41 字數 1473 閱讀 9786






2. 2) riding a bike 3) singing songs 4) playing the violin 5) ****** kites 6) diving

22. collecting stamps ****** kites likes diving likes playing the violin likes singing

31. 1) riding a bike playing the violin 2) likes reading books swimming

41. b a c d

2. 1) c 2) a 3) d 4) b 5) e 6) f

51. 1) a 2) b 3) a 4) a

2. 1) she doesn』

62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333339663961t 2) yes he does 3) teach english she does

4) does wu yifan go to school on foot he does

61. 1) no, he doesn』t. 2) he is a policeman. 3) he goes to work by car.

4) no, he doesn』t. 5) yes, he does. 6) yes, he does.

2. gets up goes by bike playing the violin swimming reading writing goes





一個數的因數中最小的因數是(1 ),最大的因數是(它本身 )。

27有( 4)個因數,最大的因數是(27);它的倍數有(無數)個,最小的倍數是(27)。 在1~100各數中,25的倍數有(25.50.

75.100)。 b是一個非零自然數,它的倍數有(無數)個,其中。

零五網五年級下冊英語書第6單元翻譯 譯林版

不是的,而是第6單元翻譯和課文。譯林版五年級下冊英語unit6課文翻譯 amy mum,look 62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333361303039 lingling has go t some interesting photos.埃米 媽媽,看!玲玲...


五年級下冊英語課堂作業本全部答案?義務教育英語課程標準 2011年版 我只知道1 2頁。1.7 00 4 15 11 30 9 00 8 459 05 2.3.d c b a 第二頁1.a b c c 2.3.1 get up at 6 00 p.m.2 go to work at 7 00 p.m...

五年級下冊英語第十模組漢譯,五年級下冊英語第十模組 第56 57 59頁 漢譯

hello.你好.hello.this is uncle larry.你好,我是拉里叔叔.how s everybody doing?大家都好嗎?just fine.都很好.grandpa is writhing a letter.爺爺在寫信.brother is doing homework.弟弟...