
2021-03-03 21:11:10 字數 1530 閱讀 5710


maria arredondo的mercy歌詞

aaah aah aah aah aah aaaah

just wanna love, don't wanna care 只是想追求愛請,不想去計較

but we in goin' anywhere 可是我們無法再用任何方法接近

as long as i, can't put these thoughts to rest 我想了好久卻不能放下這些,讓自己去休息

of you and her a time before 那些你和她的過去

did you love her even more 你愛她是不是比我甚至更多

for all i know 誰知道呢

those words you said, they're in her bed 你在她的床上說的話

are they the same you used on me 你會不會同樣的說給我聽

honestly 老實說

if someone's out there watching over me 如果某人一直在觀察我

show me there's a better way 給我指明瞭更好的辦法

something just to ease the pain 只是用某種辦法減輕我的疼痛

tonight i cross my heart and hope to die 今晚我在我的心臟上畫個十字,希望走向死亡

this isn't who i wanna be 這不是誰我想要的

how mercy over me 對我來說是多麼仁慈啊

i ask no questions just tell no lies 我沒有問任何問題我在乎的

i got no need for alibies 我沒有得到我有理由得到的我需要的東西

but that in why i'm diggin' up the past 但是我為什麼還陷在過去

i should have seen it from the start 我應該從開始時想到這個

you only love with half a heart 你只是用你一半的**我

now i know why 現在我知道為什麼了

i know what's wrong i can't go on 我知道了什麼是錯的我不能接下去做的

though in my heart i'll always feel 儘管我會一直在心中感受著

you were for real 你曾經在我身邊過

aaah aah aah aah aah aaaah

how mercy over me 對我來說是多麼仁慈啊

aaah aah aah aah aah aaaah

i know it's wrong i can't go on 我知道了什麼是錯的我不能接下去做的

though in my heart i'll always feel 儘管我會一直在心中感受著

you were for real 你曾經在我身邊過


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